corvicula1979 Oct 17, 2014 06:10
haiku, lokilust, loki as my muse, i'll be in my bunk, i hate this, blood is sexy, devotional poetry, depressed, he's a god of sex to me dammit, myth loki, can someone send me loki and lube, tmi, dr, loki, poetry, sex as ritual, fuck you very much, lonely despair, god i hate this
corvicula1979 Sep 28, 2014 01:46
depressed, dysthymia, i hate this, brain chemistry, god i hate this, angst
corvicula1979 Feb 14, 2014 07:13
my ex is a douche, can someone send me loki and lube, fuck you very much, valentine's day sucks, being single sucks, god i hate this